Facilitating deals in Hong Kong and Greater China
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 3908

Proposed rights issue of A shares and H shares and application for whitewash waiver

September 2022
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 710

(1) Connected transaction in relation to subscription of new shares under specific mandate; and (2) Proposed increase in authorised share capital



September 2022
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 880

Discloseable and connected transaction in relation to the transfer of Oceanus Building

June 2022
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 3690

Connected transaction involving subscription of the new shares under specific mandate



May 2021
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 376

Connected transactions enter into of subscription agreements and issue of new shares under specific mandate


September 2020
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 102

(1) Proposed right issue of the basis of three rights shares for every two shares held on the record date; (2) Connected transaction in relation to the underwriting agreement; (3) Application for whitewash waiver; and (4) Major and connected transaction in relation to the subscription for convertible bonds

August 2020
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 1097

(1) Proposed rights issue of rights shares on the basis of three rights shares for every four existing shares at HK$0.100 per rights share; (2) Connected transaction in relation to the proposed issue of unlisted long-term convertible securities under specific mandate to Forever Top (Asia) Limited; and (3) Proposed change in board lot size

April 2019
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 1910

(1) Proposed grant of scheme mandate to issue new shares underlying RSUS to be granted under the share award scheme; and (2) Proposed clarificatory amendment to the share award scheme; (3) Proposed connected transactions relating to the proposed grants of RSUS to the connected participants

April 2019
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 2014

(1) Subscription for new shares; and (2) Application for whitewash waiver

December 2019
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 691

Proposed issue of convertible bonds under general mandate

August 2018
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 1733

(1) Proposed rights issue; (2) Connected transaction in relation to the entering into of Underwriting Agreement; (3) Application for whitewash waiver; and (4) Special deal

April 2016
Independent Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 2343

Proposed rights issue on the basis of one rights share for every one existing share held on record date

April 2016
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 280

(1) Proposed rights issue of 261,042,990 rights shares in the proportion of two rights shares for every five  existing shares held on the record date at HK$0.60 per rights share to raise approximately HK$157 million; and (2) Application for whitewash waiver

July 2015
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 120

Open offer of shares and convertible preference shares and issue of convertible bonds of up to approximately HK$1.4 billion of Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited

July 2014
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 723
  1. Proposed share open offer on the basis on one offer share for every ten shares held with share bonus on the basis of five bonus shares for every offer share subscribed; Proposed convertible preferred share open offer on the basis of one offer convertible preferred share for every ten CPSs held with CPS bonus issue on the basis of five bonus CPSs for every offer CPS subscribed; Proposed grant of specific mandate to issue shares and possible connected transaction
March 2014
Financial Adviser to
Stock code: 2309
  1. Placing of new shares; issue of the first convertible bond; issue of the second convertible bond;connected transactions : deed of novation, debt capitalisation agreement, subscription agreement; proposed increase in authorised share capital
January 2014
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